Friday, 22 August 2014

50 Facts About Me (Updated)


  1. I love phō 
  2. I live in Canada
  3. Liz Lisa is my Favourite clothing brand!!
  4. I don't like olives 
  5. Madoka Magica is my favourite anime
  6. I can play bass guitar and guitar! 
  7. My dream is to become a fashion designer!    
  8. Ever since I was a kid, my dream was to go to Japan
  9. I am an assertive person and don't let people push me around.
  10. I used to figure skate!
  11. I make charms and sew clothes in my spare time!
  12. I am currently learning Japanese!
  13. I am Russian/German
  14. My favourite North American band would be Billy Talent and Metric
  15. My favourite Japanese band/artist would be Perfume, Babymetal and Claris
  16. I am in love with Nana from After School/Orange Caramel
  17. I usually don't straighten or curl my hair 
  18. Oh ya!!! My name is Bridgette!!
  19. My worst subject in school is Math
  20. I have two jobs currently! (at some office and at Gap!)
  21. My favourite magazine is Popteen!
  22. I love sweets
  23. My favourite type of food is Japanese food!
  24. I am pretty good at video games!
  25. I have a actual fear of zombies
  26. Halloween is my favourite holiday!
  27. I am going to Japan next March!
  28. I love the colours pink and brown!
  29. I feel like I'd be a good Japanese pop idol tbh
  30. I love my boyfriend more than any of  these things!
  31. My plan is to go to Bunka Fashion College in Japan after I graduate high school!
  32. I'm a dog person!
  33. Im not a picky eater but i hate olives and scallops 
  34. My favourite video game is Kingdom Hearts and Animal Crossing
  35. I have two older sisters!
  36. I actually don't like summer that much, I prefer autumn and winter!
  37. I like candy over chocolate!
  38. My first anime i've ever watched was Love Hina or Inuyasha 
  39. I'd rather be a magical girl tbh
  40. My middle name is Natalie
  41. I remember my dreams every night pretty much
  42. I hate listening to the radio (I won't do it)
  43. I'm a Feminist (sorry that should be closer to the start of this)
  44. A lot of people are actually intimidated by me
  45. I want a bunny so badly but I'm waiting until i move out so i'll take better care of it (cause I'll have more time for it)
  46. I relate to Mami so much 
  47. I actually don't wear makeup that much...
  48. Or do my hair.. (too much work)
  49. I feel pretty good and confindent about myself actually!
  50. I love tea

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