Saturday 9 January 2016

Bucket List

What are some of the things you want to do before you die? Go to Paris? Own a designer hand-bag? Fall in Love? Don't know yet? If you haven't yet, make a bucket list! It is a list of things you have always dreamt about doing in your life time and want to do before your last day on this planet. Doesn't matter if it's something small like going to that museum across the city or going to the moon (you might have to realize that one might be a hard one to check off of your list though). 

Here's mine:

1. Go to Paris
2. Go to Puroland (in Tokyo)
3. Dye my hair pastel pink
4. Own a really cool motorcycle jacket
5. Have a dog
6. Go to Bunka Fashion College
7. Live in Tokyo
8. Live in Toronto
9. Get married 
10. Model for something (even if it's a mouth wash commercial)
11. Make up my own drinking game
12. Own a Chanel (anything?)
13. Write a song that sounds good.
14. Have a blog that people actually read! (counting on you here)
15. Have a cute bob hair style
16. Meet Zooey Deschanel 
17. Meet a member from BIG BANG
18. Be fluent in Japanese, conversational in French and Korean
19. Be featured in FRUiTS or a Harajuku street fashion magazine.
20. Go to Hong Kong and Seoul
21. Go Surfing
22. Go to Disneyland in California and the Disneyland in Paris.

Of course many others too, but it's hard to list them all so these are my biggest wishes! The list is always getting longer the more I check them off it seems! If you wrote your own bucket list, I'd love to see it! Let's all work hard to accomplish them all! がんばれ!

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