Saturday 9 January 2016

Bucket List

What are some of the things you want to do before you die? Go to Paris? Own a designer hand-bag? Fall in Love? Don't know yet? If you haven't yet, make a bucket list! It is a list of things you have always dreamt about doing in your life time and want to do before your last day on this planet. Doesn't matter if it's something small like going to that museum across the city or going to the moon (you might have to realize that one might be a hard one to check off of your list though). 

Here's mine:

1. Go to Paris
2. Go to Puroland (in Tokyo)
3. Dye my hair pastel pink
4. Own a really cool motorcycle jacket
5. Have a dog
6. Go to Bunka Fashion College
7. Live in Tokyo
8. Live in Toronto
9. Get married 
10. Model for something (even if it's a mouth wash commercial)
11. Make up my own drinking game
12. Own a Chanel (anything?)
13. Write a song that sounds good.
14. Have a blog that people actually read! (counting on you here)
15. Have a cute bob hair style
16. Meet Zooey Deschanel 
17. Meet a member from BIG BANG
18. Be fluent in Japanese, conversational in French and Korean
19. Be featured in FRUiTS or a Harajuku street fashion magazine.
20. Go to Hong Kong and Seoul
21. Go Surfing
22. Go to Disneyland in California and the Disneyland in Paris.

Of course many others too, but it's hard to list them all so these are my biggest wishes! The list is always getting longer the more I check them off it seems! If you wrote your own bucket list, I'd love to see it! Let's all work hard to accomplish them all! がんばれ!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Things I've Learned in Japan (Part 2)

It has been awhile since my first 'Things I've Learned in Japan" post. Here's the promised second part of the series!
 Other than learning Japanese language and culture and the do's and don'ts; I've learned a lot about what I want in life and how i work and more about myself of course. 

1.) To not care about what people think!

It's actually kind of strange that I feel this way because Japan is very much a country that everyone cares about the opinions of others. Nevertheless, I feel as though I've somehow broken through more barriers of being worried about what people are thinking in public about me or always needing assurance from others before making a choice. I have always been a free-thinker and independent ever since I was little, but when I came to Japan I wanted to be on my best behaviour and not offend anyone. Of course that's okay; but it really is hard to please everyone and in the end I know the most important thing is how I feel at the end of the day. This especially goes in place when talking about personality and the type of clothes I want to wear. As you may know, Tokyo is one of the fashion capitals of the world but it still takes courage to wear more extreme styles of fashion everyday and i have to push myself to wear what I want rather than care about what strangers think of me. Now, I am a lot more carefree and independent but i can still put people first and be considerate of others feelings. I've just learned how to balance the two.

2.) My plan for my future.

I finally figured out what I wanted to do in my life; which is great because I am so close to graduating high school! I realized that i would rather work hard and risk being broke to do what i want to do than going to university for something that would bore me and not fulfill my dream. I know how much work it will be but I am ready to sacrifice what i need to do so. If you don't know so already, I plan on returning to Japan and studying fashion and business and eventually becoming a fashion stylist and a creative director for fashion magazines. It's a long shot but I have a huge plan and am ready to work my ass off! 

3.) Family/Friends are important!

Being so far away from my family and friends back home gave me a sense of importance of family. Now I know how to cherish every moment spent back in Canada before returning to Japan in 2 years. It's important to keep contact with everyone who has impacted your life and never to burn bridges in life unless the person is toxic (of course!). 

4.) That I am very much an Aries...

A lot of my behaviour is very similar to the typical fiery leader. I need adventure because I hate routine and get easily bored, I forgive and forget easily, I tend to take control, I work hard for my passion, I'm impulsive and don't think of consequences sometimes, and the list goes on. Despite all the bad points I'm still representing all the fire signs out there ! ♡

5.) Never let an opportunity go to waste!

This whole trip has been an example of that! Whether a opportunity takes you places or not, it's always important to continue to learn and grow with experience and who knows, maybe you will go far places with a small opportunity and chance! I believe it's better to regret doing something than regret never doing something! 

Even though i am returning to Canada in a few days, I have learn so much from the past half year and am thankful to so many people who have supported me throughout my stay ♡

Please wait for my return Japan ♡


Thursday 31 December 2015

New Years Resolutions

Every year we try to accomplish something that we couldn't do the year before. We promise ourselves that through our New Years Resolutions we would lose 10 pounds or finally finish that painting you started 2 years ago. Whatever it may be, it's a task that takes a lot of effort and heart to finish. Are you the type of person to finish them successfully, or do you promise yourself the same thing every New Years but forget about it a week later? 

Now, I don't really make New Years Resolutions every year; but this year I actually have something I want to work for. Steadily studying Japanese, finishing high school, making tons of money to save for Tokyo, starting my big project (that I still have to work on before I can announce anything, but keep in mind that it'll involve kick-ass girls, fashion and everything nice).